Scan measuring with an X-Rite eXact

Important: Always make sure to measure the paperwhite of the substrate before scan measuring.

To scan the above Color bar, follow the instructions below :

If you need to scan a multi-row bar repeat this until all bars are done.

Troubleshooting eXact scan measuring

Device returned an error message: Track communication error

  1. The eXact Auto scan driver was enabled instead of the handheld eXact driver
  2. From the [Advanced settings] of the login screen of the MeasureColor client, disable the X-Rite eXact AutoScan and enable the X-Rite eXact

MeasureColor shows 'Ready to scan (M0/M1/M2/M3)' but the scan does not succeed and the instrument loses calibration

  1. eXact firmware that supports simultaneous M0/M1/M2/M3 curves export has been loaded, but the device was not (yet) recalibrated for M1 in the M0/M2/M3 switch position
  2. Disable the M1-Part 2 Export on the eXact device