Updating from a legacy MeasureColor version to 17.2.xx or later
From MeasureColor version 17.2 and later, the MeasureColor client is capable of updating itself when the server is updated.
Because the existing clients do not yet have the ability to auto-update the first update is slightly different: First we need to update the server application, and after that install the client software. This is also valid for stand-alone machines where the server and client are installed on the same PC.
- First update the server to 17.2.xx or later by running the installer. More detailed instructions can be found here: Fresh installation for new users
- On every client browse to the server and download+start the client installer. See for more info: Adding a client workstation to a MeasureColor 17.2.xx and later server. Alternatively, on a stand-alone machine, you can also click the green ' start client ' button that will start the client installer.
After updating one time like this, all following client updates will be carried out automatically when the server is updated.
Process control statistics extension
If you were using the Process control statistics you will find they are no longer activated in the new installer. To continue using the extension, read here: Adding the Process Control Statistics extension