Tolerance sets (MeasureColor versions 16.3 and later)

In order to compare your measurements against different standards several 'Tolerance sets' were included with MeasureColor. Tolerance sets define which patches are used, what Delta-E method is used and how deviations influence the total score.

In MeasureColor it's possible to define your own Tolerance sets to meet your requirements. After that a Tolerance set can be used while making a job preset.

If your MeasureColor version is 16.2 or earlier, please read on here.

Since MeasureColor 16.3 the Tolerance set creating and editing section of the System management module got a major overhaul. If you are upgrading all features of your existing sets will still be there but the way they are presented withing the Tolerance set editor has been improved.

Tolerance sets overview

From the System management module select Conditions→ Tolerance sets

Here you can add, edit or remove your Tolerance sets.

  1. Edit button. Selects this Tolerance set and opens the Tolerance set editor
  2. Remove button. Note: Do not remove Tolerance sets that are still in use
  3. Click New Tolerance set to create a new set
  4. Import an existing Tolerance set. (You can export existing sets using the Edit button)

Easy setup of new Tolerance set

When Creating a new Tolerance set a pop-up is shown to select a template. You can select the Basic template that sets rules for Solids, TVI and substrate. The Advanced template creates an empty Tolerance set.

Creating/editing a Tolerance set

Here we have an example of a Tolerance set with 4 rules:

  1. Shows the name of the Tolerance set, or lets you enter one
  2. Here you can select a default Measurement condition
  3. The delta-E method assigned to this Measurement condition
  4. The scoring method. MeasureColor will support multiple scoring methods in the nearby future.
  5. Several rules are listed here. Each rule can be expanded and collapsed to work on the scoring values.
  6. The Edit button will expand the rule so you can edit the scoring values
  7. The Add rule button let's you select a rule to add to your Tolerance set. It will be added collapsed, use the Edit button to expand it for editing
  8. Save your new or edited Tolerance set to the database
  9. Return to the overview of Tolerance sets
  10. Export your Tolerance set.

Creating and adding scoring rules

Use the Add rule button to select a new rule if it's not in the set already. Find the rule you want to edit and press the Edit button beside it.

  1. Calculate toggle. When set to No the rule will not be used when scoring and will disappear from the set. You can add it back in with the Add rule button.
  2. Percentile setting. Sets the percentage of patches in the same group that must comply to the pass/fail level.
  3. The penalty for failure to meet the required tolerance.
  4. Tolerance setting. Dependent on the patch and measurement this might be delta-E, percentage or density.
  5. Tolerance setting for production mode when different from the normal tolerance.
  6. Production toggle. When set to 'No' the production tolerance will not be used

Percentile setting

While most settings are straightforward the percentile setting may need some explaining. Percentile is the percentage of patches in the same group that must comply to the pass/fail level. In most cases this should be 100%. If you set this to a lower percentage, say 90%, if 9 out of 10 patches of the same color are OK, no penalty is given. Very useful for offset litho printers who measure long ink zone based color bars.

When a percentile setting is active an extra score icon becomes available: It's a checkmark that is yellow instead of green. A yellow checkmark means that although some patches in one or more ink zones were out of tolerance your total score is within tolerance because your percentile setting allows that.