Printability module
What exactly are you able to print with the jobs substrate/ink/machine combination? To what standard are you supposed to produce and what densities for solids will do best?
If we were to have a better understanding of our capabilities, we could produce faster, more reliable and more predictable. To make you understand colorbehavior for specific job materials, the Printability module comes in handy. Even when you are measuring the run under wet conditions, you could have a reliable outcome when the material dries.
Learn more about this module: see the determine optimal solid ink densities (best match delta-E) How-to!!
How does it work?
- Basically for every new job (other materials used), you make a linear (preference but not mandatory) plate for every run color.
- Take the preinstalled printability test form and print a few sheets with all ink keys open to the same level.
- Measure the test form color bar in wet conditions and save the measurement with the right settings (wet).
- After drying, open the job that contains the wet measurement and select the condition ‘dry’ before you take another measurement.
When both measurements are available in the job, you can start analyzing. You are looking for the minimum ∆-E and/or the most favorable density per color (behind ‘Best match density’).
- Use the Slider to select the best value, hit ‘Selection is saved’ when best match is determined.
- Repeat this action for each color and remember the patch number.
- When best matches for ‘dry’ are found, open the wet measurement and find the same patch.
- Save the result before you repeat this action for all colors.
- Now you only have to instruct your press operator to use these density values and maybe update the target densities for your presets.
- You can use the Spot tool to maybe better analyse each measured patch.