PantoneLive module

Module overview

When your PantoneLive license is activated you can manage the libraries from here. PantoneLive references get updated live which can increase your job setup times. Limit the amount of active libraries here to ensure an efficient workflow.

Filter libraries

As you can see in section 2 you can set a filter to the libraries based on Brand Owner and DPC code when applicable or a combination of job properties to quickly make an overview of the appropriate libraries as shown in section 3. After this select the one(s) you need by checking the box.

PantoneLive activation

The MeasureColor PantoneLive module makes it possible to use references from PantoneLive directly in MeasureColor jobs. After filling in your PantoneLive credentials by clicking the [Change] button in section 1 you will be asked to activate your PantoneLive license.

Enable / disable PantoneLive

When you do not need PantoneLive libraries you can disable PantoneLive temporarily by unchecking the Enable PantoneLive box in section one.