Measuring with the NIX Spectro 2
From MeasureColor 22.2.x the NIX Spectro 2 can be used for M0 and M1 measurements. When updating from a previous MeasureColor version the Client installer has to be run again on workstations that need to work with the NIX.
The NIX has a unique design without any user controls. That means that all actions are controlled from the MeasureColor user interface. To use the NIX, connect it to MeasureColor with a USB cable.
The needed calibration depends on the set Measurement condition. After changing the measurement condition (or opening a job with a different measurement condition set) you might be prompted to calibrate again.
The NIX comes with factory preloaded curves, please check or enter the calibration target serial before you start. Then, place the NIX on the target and click the [Cal] button.
Floating measure button
As the NIX has no button to fire a measurement a floating button will appear at the bottom right corner of MeasureColor. You can drag the button anywhere you want by click-and-holding the edge and moving around the screen.
To start a measurement simply click the button.
Using a foot pedal
From MeasureColor 23.1 and later the software has been configured to start a NIX Spectro-2 measurement when the key combination Alt-M is detected. This way, any foot pedal that can be configured to send the Alt-M keystroke (using USB for instance) to the measuring workstation can be used to fire a NIX Spectro 2 measurement.