Moving a MeasureColor database to another PC
This article describes how to move the software and the database to another PC. This procedure does not move the license(s).
Warning: Colorware holds no responsibility for database integrity, security, maintenance, backup and restore procedures. This QuickStart is provided as additional help for experts. It is advised that a trained system engineer monitors and manages your system at all times.
Full details about moving MS-SQL databases can be found here:
On the source machine:
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Open the “Databases” folder item.
- Right-click on the database to backup.
- Select “Tasks” → “Back up…”
- Make sure that a destination is selected, otherwise, add it.
- Click “OK”, the database should be exported to the file setup in the destination (by default this is the MSSQL backup folder).
- De-activate the MeasureColor license
On the target machine:
- Make sure a new MeasureColor server has been installed and a database is up and running.
- Activate the MeasureColor license
- Take the file that was generated on the source machine and put it in the same location (MSSQL backup folder) on the target machine.
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Right-click on the existing database as explained above and select “Tasks” → “Restore” → “Database”.
- Make sure to restore from a device.
- Select the extra options for the device selection. A new dialog should pop up with an “Add” button.
- Click the “Add” button.
- Select the previously generated backup.
- Click OK.
- Make sure the new backup set has been selected (the checkbox has been checked).
- In the “Options” section, enable the overwrite option.
- Click OK.
- If all goes well, the database should be restored, but the user will not yet be linked, to do this follow the following section.
Relinking the database user:
- Right-click on the database and select “New Query”
- In the query window enter the following query:
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'AUTO_FIX', 'colorware'
- Execute the query.
Migrating the database to the latest version: (only if you can’t install the same version)
This step is not needed when you install the same version on the target machine as was used on the source machine. However, if you updated to a newer version you need to run the migration.
- Press the Windows key and type ‘databaseutils’ and enter.
- Let the migrations runner migrate the database.
Alternatively, you could first install the same version and update it after moving the database.
Everything should now be up and running.