Measuring device issues
MeasureColor does not connect to Techkon Devices after installing on Windows 8 or 10
Note: This is no longer applicable for the current versions of MeasureColor and the Techkon device service. We keep this information for users of legacy version.
The Techkon software is built on the .NET framework 3.5 which is not installed by default on Windows 8 and 10The Techkon service may have to be installed manually on those OS.
- Navigate to “C:Program Files (x86)MeasureColor 4OtherDriversTechkon” and double click on “TDService.exe”
- A Windows dialog asks permission to enable .NET framework 3.5 which is required by the Techkon installer to run.
- After your permission Windows will install the .NET 3.5 framework
- Depending on your system a reboot might be needed.
After installing the service MC should connect to the devices.
USB error after waking up SpectroDens
MeasureColor attempts to send settings while the SpectroDens is busy measuring
MeasureColor resents all settings after reconnecting to the device. If you start measuring or accidentally press the measure button on the device before it is ready up to 5 messages appear.
- If the USB errors appear simply press [OK] until the last one is gone.
- After waking up the spectroDens let the device communicate with MeasureColor a few seconds before use