Measurement conditions (version up to 17.1)

This dialog lists all measurement conditions and enables you to add, edit and remove them.

A lot of different choices can be made to Measure color such as the illuminant, use of filters and density standards.

A MeasureColor measurement condition is a preset that holds a combination of standards and settings regarding your measurements in one place so you can select them in a simple pulldown while setting up a job.

  1. Name
  2. Check to define as standard
  3. Density standard (ANSI-T/DIN)
  4. Dotgain method (density/spectral)
  5. White base (absolute/paper)
  6. Use density pol filter
  7. Illuminant (D50/D55/D65/D75/A/C/F2/F7/F11)
  8. Observer angle (2/10)
  9. Use spectral pol filter