ColorCert Automation Tool – Job setup and measurement submission
MeasureColor Job setup requirements
When creating MeasureColor jobs, (part of the) data fields are used to transmit to ColorCert Scorecard Server (SCS). Depending on the customer several fields might be mandatory to include in your job.
Please note that MeasureColor has the capability of adding up to 12 custom data fields to a job. You can set up the custom data fields per MeasureColor job ‘customer’. For a successful transmission, please use the schema below to populate your job data. The custom data fields can also be populated using MeasureColor’s Auto Job Setup routines.
Overview of parameters
ColorCert job field | MeasureColor Job field |
Job name | Job name |
Job no | Job number |
Customer | Customer |
Business unit | custom field with label: Business unit |
Brand | custom field with label: Brand |
Variety | custom field with label: Variety |
UPC Spec no | custom field with label: UPC spec |
Artwork target | custom field with label: Artwork target |
Color Separator | custom field with label: Separator |
Printer | Company name |
MeasureColor Process Control preparations
If required by the brand, add the custom data fields to your Customer setup:
Note: for existing ‘customers’ you can edit the custom fields from the Management Module:
MeasureColor Process Control module workflow
Create your job as normal. Make sure you fill-in the required custom fields as well to make sure the job is accepted on the Scorecard Server of your customer.
Add your measurements as you normally do.
Note: From MeasureColor versions 20.2 and later there is a new function in MeasureColor to set the Roll number for each measurement (for flexo machines only).
Measurement submission
When you finish the job and want to submit the results to Scorecard Server, open the ‘Tools’ menu on the top of your screen. Select ‘Scorecard Server’ to bring up the data submission interface.
Sending your results to the Scorecard Server is an easy task.
Note: the first time you open the interface, MeasureColor will ask you to select a ColorCert rule file (.ccr) for this customer. The name of the rule file is saved so it is only asked once per customer.
With the proper Rule file selected you can make a choice what data to transmit. There are 3 options to choose from. Please note that only measurements that are flagged as ‘Production’ mode will be available for transmission. Make Ready measurements are excluded automatically:
- All production measurements from the job transmits all production measurements to Scorecard Server
- Last production measurement per roll (default) Sends only the last production measurement per roll/pallet
- Median quality production measurement per roll finds the median quality measurement per roll and submits that measurement
Note: your ‘Company identifier’ (aka servershortname on the Scorecard Server side) is shown here as well. Your servershortname must be enabled on the receiving Scorecard Server before measurements can be transmitted successfully.
On the next (and last) screen you can submit your data to Scorecard Server.
Press ‘Submit’ to start the data transfer.
Wait until the transmission log informs you of the success/fail state of the transfer before you click ‘Close’.