Image module
The image module makes it possible to measure directly in an image without the need of Color Bars.
Creating a Job
The first screen is rather self-explanatory and lets you select a client and a machine for the job and fill in administrative fields.
If a preset is available a Preview is shown for easy recognition when you click on it.
If you do not want to use an existing preset you can either create a new preset by pressing the [+]Add button(1) or simply click Next(2) to continue without creating a preset.
Use the [Load Image…] button to select an image for the job
Select the condition for the job (Printing condition, Tolerance set, Measurement condition) and add the inks to be used by clicking the [..] buttons for each slot. You can select colors from any color book linked to the selected printing condition. When colors are incompatible with the selected Measurement condition a yellow triangle will be shown.
It is also possible to use the [Add targets] button to select multiple colors at once (not compatible with PantoneLive).
Setting targets
In this screen you can load an image and set the targets for measurement. First, load an image by clicking the [Load image…] button. (JPG or PNG). With the [Dim image] button you can grey out the image which sometimes makes it easier to set the targets. Click on a color in the image you want to measure for this job.
In this example, we clicked in the brown area of the image. Automatically MeasureColor selects the color from your Color book closest to the image color at this point, in this case, Brown.
Refining your targets
You can at any time select a target a shift it's position by mouse. With the arrow buttons you can easy refine selected targets by adjusting them with small steps. The target list window lets you delete targets you don't need.
Measuring the targets
When the target detection is disabled the screen will ask you to measure the first position, indicated by the red circle around the target. Measure it and go to the next until all targets are read.
If the target detection is enabled you can freely measure the target points while MeasureColor will match the colors closest to the Reference.
If matching does not succeed you'll be prompted to select the target manually:
After measuring the results are shown mostly in the same way as the other modules. Please take a look at Process control for an in-depth decription of all different views.