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Setting all Job parameters in the XML ('Full')
General XML elements:
Element |
Remark |
mandatory |
Administrative elements |
<Clientname> |
Name of the customer, will be added when new |
Y |
<JobNumber> |
Y |
<JobName> |
N |
<JobDescription> |
N |
<SignatureNumber> |
N |
<InkSetName> |
InkSetName must match a Ink Set Name in MeasureColor |
N |
Color target settings |
<SubstrateName> |
SubstrateName must match a Substrate Name in MeasureColor |
Y |
<PrintingConditionName> |
PrintingConditionName must match a Printing Condition Name in MeasureColor |
Y |
Operational settings |
<MachineName> |
MachineName must match a Machine Name in MeasureColor |
N |
<Scanside> |
ScanSide must be either Top/Bottom/Unknown |
N |
<ColorbarName> |
ColorbarName must match a Color Bar Name in MeasureColor |
N |
<MeasurementConditionsName> |
MeasurementConditionsName must match a Measurement Condition Name in MeasureColor |
N |
<ToleranceSetName> |
Tolerance set name must match a Tolerance Set Name in MeasureColor |
N |
<DisableColorBarPatches> |
Disable individual patches of a Color bar.(<DisableColorBarPatches>1, 2, 15, 16</DisableColorBarPatches>) |
N |
Print Quality Information settings |
<PrintQualityInformation Brand=“Brand name” Category=“Product category”> |
Will be added when new |
N |
<PremediaCompany> |
Will be added when new |
N |
<PrintingProcess> |
Must be Offset, Flexo, Gravure, Digital or Other |
N |
<SubstrateClass> |
Must be FilmWhite, FilmClear, FilmMetalized, Vinyl, Paper, Paperboard, Corrogated, Metal or Other |
N |
<DesignNumber> |
optional Design Number |
N |
Remote Print Service Provider settings |
<PrintLocationCompanyName> |
Must be an existing 'Limited Printing Location' name |
N |
<MachineName |
Must be the name of a Machine set up for that 'Limited Printing Location' |
N |
Setting Color Target inks and use
Element |
Attribute |
Remark |
Required |
<ColorReference> |
– |
Ink name must be an existing Inkname in the set Color Book Name |
N |
<ColorReference> |
ColorbarSlot |
“0” to “11” |
Y |
<ColorReference> |
RunSequence |
“0” to “11” |
Y |
<ColorReference> |
ReferenceType |
“Process” or “Spot” |
Y |
<ColorReference> |
ColorBookName |
Must match an existing Color Book Name in MeasureColor and should be compliant with the PrintingCondition set |
Y |
<ColorReference> |
Info |
“Additional info” |
N |
<ColorReference> |
TargetDotgainCurveName |
Must match an existing Default Dotgain Curve in MeasureColor |
N |
<ColorReference> |
DisableTints |
“25, 75” would disable tints 25 and 75 for that Ink |
N |
<ColorReference> |
DisableAllTints |
DisableAllTints=“1” would disable all tints for that Ink |
N |
Example code snippet:
<ColorReference RunSequence="1" ColorbarSlot="0" ReferenceType="Process" ColorBookName="Process colors (Fogra51)">K</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="2" ColorbarSlot="1" ReferenceType="Process" ColorBookName="Process colors (Fogra51)">C</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="3" ColorbarSlot="2" ReferenceType="Process" ColorBookName="Process colors (Fogra51)">M</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="4" ColorbarSlot="3" ReferenceType="Process" ColorBookName="Process colors (Fogra51)">Y</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="5" ColorbarSlot="4" ReferenceType="Spot" ColorBookName="OGV (M1)" TargetDotgainCurveName="Default Linear Curve" Info="Some additional ink info">Example Orange</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="6" ColorbarSlot="5" ReferenceType="Spot" ColorBookName="OGV (M1)" TargetDotgainCurveName="Default Linear Curve" Info="Maybe Anilox info" DisableAllTints="1">Example Green</ColorReference>
<ColorReference RunSequence="7" ColorbarSlot="6" ReferenceType="Spot" ColorBookName="OGV (M1)" TargetDotgainCurveName="Default Linear Curve" Info="or other identifier" DisableTints="25, 75">Example Violet</ColorReference>
Custom Data Fields (optional)
For every CustomDataField you can enter an ID (1-12) and a name the operator is required to fill when setting up a new job:
<CustomDataField Id="1" Name="1st">Value1</CustomDataField>
<CustomDataField Id="2" Name="2nd">Value2</CustomDataField>
Example downloads