Back-up your database
MeasureColor stores its data in an MS SQL Server database. Over time your database grows and gets more and more value because of the historical data that it holds. Therefore it is good practice to create regular backups of the database.
For MS SQL Server, the database is stored by default in the SQL Server directory inside your Program Files directory. Please check and make sure that your backup system has added this location to the daily backup routines.
Important note:
Colorware holds no responsibility for database integrity, security, maintenance, backup and restore procedures. This document is provided as additional help pointing to one or more methods on how to secure your data. It is advised that a trained system engineer monitors and manages your system at all times.
System managers and expert users might find valuable information on advanced backup and restore procedures from the Microsoft MSDN here:
– http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187048%28v=sql.105%29.aspx . Please note this link leads to a SQL 2008 R2 document but provides links to other SQL versions. Please select the page of your current SQL install.