Analysing print quality

What you need:

  • MeasureColor Basic or higher license level
  • A typical Quality Assurance color bar like the ECI GrayControl bar, IDEAlliance color bar, or Ugra/Fogra Mediawedge
  • In this QuickStart, we use the ECI GrayCon Mi1. eci_grayconm_i1_fogra39.pdf)
  • Compliant handheld measurement device


  • Embed the ‘ECI GrayCon Mi1’ color bar in a test form or production job, make sure it is aligned vertically (printing direction)
  • Generate the printing plates
  • Print the form according to your standard for solid inks
  • Let the printed sheet dry if applicable

MeasureColor workflow:

-plaatje inschieten 15.3 greycon-

  • Open the ‘ProcessControl Module’
  • Create a new job based on the proper reference and make sure the ‘ECI GrayCon Mi1’ color bar is selected for this job
  • Measure the color bar and hit ‘Finish’
  • If not already shown by default (landing page) switch to the ‘Gamut view’

MeasureColor’s Gamut view:

  • Shows the printed color gamut compared to the reference gamut (left)
  • Shows a graph with proposed correction for solid inks based on spectral analysis (ChromaPlus, default), Density differences or delta-L (top right)
  • Shows graphs for TVI (dot gain) differences in high light, mid-tone, and shadow areas (middle right)
  • Shows color drifting for substrate white and gray balance (bottom right)
  • A dashboard-style overview of all printed solid inks, the overprint patches, substrate white and gray balance patches with their individual delta-E and pass/fail icons
  • Clicking on any of the patches will provide a detailed ‘Spot analysis view’ for that patch

Tips for analyzing quality using the Gamut view:

  • Use MeasureColor’s ‘Solids’ correction graph in the ‘Gamut view’ as your first indicator if your inks print according to standard
  • Click on each individual patch to review its (Spot) detail
  • A solid ink that is printed with too much ink normally is: too dark, too strong (saturated)
  • A solid ink that is printed with too little ink on paper is normally: too light and too dull (less saturated)
  • A proper ink has a good saturation, a good hue angle, and a good lightness

MeasureColor’s Dot gain view:

  • Shows TVI graphs for each printed color
  • You can toggle the visibility of individual colors by clicking on the color icon
  • You can show/hide Target curves, Printed curves, and Tolerances to improve visibility
  • Shows detailed information about the target and printed dot gain values
  • Shows information on Solids correction and gray balance to help analyze the dot gain behavior

Tips for analyzing Dot gain:

  • For most printing standards, C/M/Y have about the same default dot gain values so their curves should look the same
  • When you notice that a dot gain is very high for a specific color while the process should be calibrated, chances are that your solid ink is printed with too much ink as well (see solids correction graph on the top)

MeasureColor’s CTP view:

  • Shows a visual ‘Dot size and curves’ graph with functionality to show or hide colors and details
  • Shows detailed information per color
  • Has functions to save CTP curves or fine-tune existing curves

Tips for analyzing and creating CTP curves:

  • You can load an existing curve and finetune it (curve-on-curve)
  • You can average the CTP curve by using the ‘Average production data’ marker (only uses measurements that were made in ‘Production’ mode)
  • Shows two user selectable time-line graphs to display delta-E, Density, and dot gain trends for the loaded job