For users
- Navigating Reports and searching for data
- Data Filter
- Standard views overview and details
- Advanced search
- Job report
- Job ink variation
- Dotgain by job
- Measurement details
- Patch summary report
- Patch details
- Job score card
- Job Measurements
- Print room dashboard
- Mobile print room dashboard
- Job calendar
- Operator dashboard
- Machine details
- Machine overview
- Ink analysis
- Ink summary
- Inkzone heatmaps
- All companies
- Company dashboard
- Company overview
- Customer dashboard
- Customer overview
- Daily metrics
For admins
- Permission management
- Customizing views (admin users only)
- System management
Install and getting started
- Install
- Before you start
- Running the installer
- Setup your Reports server
- Claim your license
- Check your activated license
- Setup the email configuration
- Connect to a Measurecolor server
Home / Support / layout settings
Layout settings
MeasureColor Reports lets you customize the layout by different themes and using your own logo.
- Green button showing the current theme
- Activate alternative themes with the blue 'Activate' button
- Currently active logo
- Select an image file to use as a logo in your layout
- Upload the new logo