Groups and users
Reports uses a rather unique approach to groups and users. Most systems let you make groups and after that add users that inherit the group's properties. The Reports method is more flexible and dynamic and might initially take some time to get used to.
- In Reports users can be members of several groups at the same time. Users in more groups inherit all granted rights of the combined groups.
- In reports ALL users are in the default group ALWAYS. This means that all users will inherit rights from that default group.
- WARNING: Take special care whenever you are editing the default group as all edits will change the rights of all users immediately!
Editing groups and users
Go into the user management module by clicking the link. Select 'Groups' from the sidebar..
Navigating the group manager
Editing the groups users
- Shows the selected group to edit
- Shows the tab that's currently displayed
- Show the items from the selected tab, in this case, all users in the system, with a toggle to show whether they are members of this group or not.
Note: The 'default' group contains all users always, so you cannot toggle the users in the default group.
Editing the group Views permissions
- Expand the 'Advanced search' view group to see details
- All views in the 'Advanced search' viewing group
Editing the group Customers' permissions
Here you see a grouped list of the Customers the members of this group may view. In this group, no user permissions have been granted for these Customers. Please note that the users might also be a member of another group that might give them those rights anyway. This way you can use separate groups to manage different rights.
User management
Select the user management dialog from the sidebar.
Creating a user
Use the 'Create user' button to create a new user. The reports system will send the user an email with his credentials automatically.
Editing users
As you can see you cannot set permissions here as they are inherited from the groups a user is a member off. However a full list is available with all permissions a user has, and specified is exactly what groups grant that permission. This makes it easy to know what groups a user should be removed from to withdraw certain permissions.