Veoria integration

Measure color bars without stopping the press

Especially for roll-to-roll printing processes in narrow-web and wide-web, measuring color and color bars has always been challenging because of the high investment and the slow setup of inline measuring devices. Everyone understands that measuring color with an inline spectrophotometer offers several advantages in profitability, color consistency, production flexibility, and overall productivity.
The partnership between MeasureColor and Veoria offers a very cost-effective and integrated solution that makes inline spectral color measuring accessible for all.

Veoria’s DeltaOne and DeltaWeb are highly accurate devices that measure and analyze the entire color spectrum. Tests have shown extremely accurate repeatability. Measuring a color bar with 12 color patches – 4 solids and dot gain patches, with measurements taken every second, resulted in 1394 measurements with an average ∆E is 0,15 (DeltaE 2000) compared to the targets.

Objectivity and quality control
Human perception of color is subjective and influenced by factors like lighting conditions and individual variations. Spectrophotometers remove this subjectivity. Because color consistency and reporting to brand owners about color accuracy are essential drivers for business, an inline measuring device becomes vital for your production.

MeasureColor compares measured colors with predefined color standards and tolerances. Deviations from the target color can be quickly identified, allowing adjustments to be made quickly. This helps maintain consistent product quality and minimizes color variations through the print run, and between production batches.

Speed and Efficiency
DeltaOne and DeltaWeb measure color rapidly and continuously at printing speed. This real-time measurement capability allows for efficient quality control and immediate adjustments if color variations occur. It saves time during make-ready compared to handheld measurement devices or visual assessment, reducing press downtime, production delays, and costs.

Integrating Veoria devices with MeasureColor allows press operators to benefit from the unique user interface, which is extremely easy to understand. There is no need for color science know-how. That’s all under the hood. The interface with simple icons helps the operator fix color inconsistency quickly. After all, there is no time to waste!

Automatic color bar detection
You define your color bars in MeasureColor in the way you need them. Combine solids, dot gain, grey balance, and overprint patches at will in a combination of process or spot colors. DeltaOne and Deltaweb automatically detect the position of the color bar on the running web, minimizing the setup time.

The width of the color bar can be as small as 2 x 2 mm. Additionally, for DeltaWeb, you can pinpoint specific colors in the image area, such as brand or text colors, with a dimension as small as 1 x 1 mm.

Data Analysis and Reporting
The stored measurements are valuable process data for statistical process control analysis, trend analysis, and color quality reporting. It enables stakeholders to monitor color consistency, identify process improvements, and generate comprehensive reports.

Read more about Veoria DeltaOne and DeltaWeb specifications