Scoring methods now include ROC
MeasureColor Reports now displays the two scoring methods supported by MeasureColor. On one hand, we utilize the Balanced-Score, which evaluates the overall quality of the print job. On the other hand, we utilize the Rate-of-Compliance (ROC) to assess how the different measured attributes comply with the desired ∆E tolerance. Press operators primarily monitor ROC as it indicates when all the attributes they need to check are within tolerance. Achieving a Rate-of-Compliance score of 100 is the ultimate objective. Press operators have increased confidence when using Rate-of-Compliance over Balanced-Score. The latter is typically employed by the quality assurance department for comparing the overall print quality of multiple printed jobs.
Check for more details about our different scoring methods.
Default scoring method is Balanced Scoring
For new installations, the default scoring is set to the more commonly used Balanced Score. When you update your existing MeasureColor Reports, your preset scoring method remains the same. You can adjust the scoring method in your system settings.
NEW production overview dashboard
As a production manager, you seek a comprehensive impression of your team’s performance. Our new production overview dashboard provides a clear summary of the overall performance. It showcases the number of jobs printed that month, the number of measurements taken, the average score per job, and so much more. There are no secrets anymore.
Explore how reports helps you to understand your performance better.
NEW measurement frequency dashboard
The key to data collection is to make sure that press operators measure frequently. Not only during make ready, but also during the production run. The new measurement frequency dashboard shows measurements on the timeline. Team managers use this dashboard to monitor the measurement frequency during the print jobs. This helps manage their expectations. After all, when you miss some of the production data, you do not get the full picture of the process.
PQX export improvements
More and more of our users are looking at PQX (Print Quality Exchange) as a means to share measurement information for the print production process, between stakeholders in the supply chain. With MeasureColor Reports 23.3 we have updated our PQX-export to comply with the ISO 20616-2.
.NET 7.0.11
For the tech-savvy, … MeasureColor Reports has been updated to be used with .NET 7.0.11.
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