What’s new in MeasureColor 22.2
⚠️ Important note on upgrade sequence
When you use MeasureColor Production in combination with MeasureColor Reports, we advise upgrading your MeasureColor Reports first, before you upgrade your MeasureColor Production.
⚠️ Important: Updated system requirements for SQL Server
MeasureColor and MeasureColor Reports require SQL Server 2016 or newer. Our 22.2 installer will attempt to upgrade SQL Server to version 2019 for default installations. If you run the MeasureColor and/or MeasureColor Reports database on your own SQL instance, please make sure that you run version 2016 or newer before starting the upgrade procedure.
Support for X-Rite 530/939 instruments ends with our next version 22.3. These devices will continue to work in version 22.2, but they are considered end of life and will stop working in our next version 22.3. Please transition to X-Rite eXact or any other supported device of your choice so you stay up to date with our future releases.
Undertone calculation
In the Process Control module, you’re now able to calculate undertones (same Lightness). This undertone result is also visualized in the scorecard.
Sometimes you want to remeasure a single patch from a previously scanned color bar. This could happen when the scanned color bar has a defect or the customer requires you to measure the brand color directly in the design. For these situations, you can use the remeasure function without scanning the entire color bar again.
The Scorecard in our Balanced Scoring view has expanded. The Undertone calculation and Visual defects scoring were added. At the same time, we made several improvements to maintain compatibility with X-Rite CCATool so you can send your measurement data to the scorecard server, complete according to the requirements of your customers.
For controlling your process you have very specific color patches in your color bar which help you to get insight into process variation. For job quality scoring, perhaps not all color patches of your color bar need to be reported to your customers. In version 22.2 it is possible to exclude color patches from job quality scoring. After all, QA is not the same as process optimization.
X-Rite eXact2 is the new kid on the block. It goes without saying that we hurried to add the connection in this major release. This adds to our long list of compatible measuring devices such as X-Rite, Techkon, KonicaMinolta, NIX, DataColor, Variable, etc.
In digital printing, brand colors are typically not printed as a single ink but built from the CMYKOGV inks of the press.
Because these colors are using tints of the inks, tonal behavior or dot gain of the machine is key to keep them consistent. Until today you could already monitor the color stability of your press with MeasureColor, but it was not possible to optimize machine calibration when the tonal behavior starts to drift.
With this new MeasureColor 22.2 release you are able to create AND fine-tune HP Indigo LUTs using the MeasureColor CTP functionality. From now on you can check and OPTIMIZE the HP Indigo dot gain consistency directly using MeasureColor!
When you save a measurement as reference it now allows immediate creation of printing condition and substrate. The new printing condition is available in the Reference Manager for future production jobs.
Allow ChromaTrack automatic density correction to be applied automatically
Duplicated jobs are opened automatically directly after creation. Just enter the new production job number and start measuring.
Improvements under the hood
- We upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8 as .NET Framework 4.6 has been declared end of life
- We’re compatible with Windows Server 2022
- Activate your licenses using a registered email address and license key only
- An updated demo database is available within new installations
- Measurement dates and times are now shown in your local time zone with information about the original date and time zone
- Monitor which workstation is logged in
- See the username and active license level in the window title of the user interface