Thank you for choosing MeasureColor
Here is where you find answers to a lot of technical questions like system requirements, configuration and HowTo’s for MeasureColor.
We are confident that MeasureColor will empower you to get professional results with ease. This wiki is created to aid the use of MeasureColor by giving you instant access to the detailed information you need.
Please select one of the categories in the sidebar on the left. Alternatively, you can use the search field at the top-left of this page.
If you are in any need of further assistance, please contact your local reseller.
If you have any questions or suggestions about MeasureColor, please feel free to contact your MeasureColor dealer or Colorware. For additional information on MeasureColor, road maps, and best practices e.g., you can find the MeasureColor website at
If you are looking for information on our Reports product, look here.
With regards,
The Colorware team