Multi-spot module
In this module you can measure a job without the necessity of a color bar present. Some jobs have no color bar, but you still have to make sure that the colors are according to standards or the clients wishes. In these cases you can use the Multi Spot module.
All jobs in this module need to be based on a color book for reference. You will see when you set up a new job.
Preferably you choose solids in the job to measure, no gradients what so ever. Try to choose a physical spot on the printed object to measure with each pull you do. In MeasureColor, a pull is called a ‘sequence’.
To get a feel for this module, use the four color patch squares, directly under the MeasureColor logo on the color bar sampler.
When you start this module, you will see a window with a demo-job, (PV02 mediaNOVA). This job contains two measurements, a first pull and a second pull. Select the first pull of the mediaNOVA job and click on the ‘View button’.
Scatter View:
As you can see, the ‘scatter view’ sorts the colors that are measured for this sequence. MeasureColor will react on the amount of measured colors. In this case there are four specific colors measured.
- Displays the most important job parameters. Click button for extended job info
- Toggle measurements 'Make ready'/'Production'
- Score button shows the compliance (how much patches within tolerance) and the total measurement score. Should be 50 or better. Click on the button to view the extended scorecard*
- The average deviation for all samples measured for this target in this pull
- The number of samples for this target in this pull
- The 'Start new sequence' advances to the next sequence, click-and-hold to change the auto-advance settings
Looking at a single color:
In the color graph part of the window you can see the amount of measurements for that specific color, each represented by a blue dot in the graph itself. At the right of every graph there is an average Δ-L indicator. At the far right of the graphs you will find the sequence information. As mentioned before, a sequence is exactly the same as a pull, a physical sample of the print run.
Using the add button (+), you can add new sequences. Fill in the right remarks for a sequence to better track the right measurements at a later point in time. Use the arrows to toggle between sequences. Click on one of the graphs for a more detailed overview of the measured physical spots To examine a specific measurement, click on a tab-like sample at the lower part of the window (see next page).
The above window shows all the measured ‘purple-ish’ spots within the first sequence. When a measurement value is selected from the horizontal, tab-like list, the information for that specific color is shown. The selected value corresponds with the white dot in the graph.
Double clicking on a measurement value in the tab-like list, brings forth the spot measurement. Just clicking on the ‘Spot’ button at the bottom of the window does the same. However there is one big difference: double clicking a value brings the values over to the spot measurement. Measuring a new reference will lead to new values in this window. This way you can compare the already measured values from a pull to a new sample in a later stage, for instance.
Using the Spot button, the window will be without any Values. You still have to measure both reference as well as the sample. By selecting `Automatic (job) reference selection’, MeasureColor refers to an already measured color in this job. It uses it’s reference automatically.
List View:
Use this view to display the same measured values, but in another view. The list view gives you an ‘at a glance’ overview, when it comes to ‘failing’ values. When selected, use the `Analyze sample’ or double click on a single color (row) to single out the specific measurement values.
When measuring for this module, make sure that the device options are set to ‘Spot’. If device mode is set to ‘Strip’, it won’t measure and will make a higher pitched noise when trying to measure.
Automatic Start new Sequence
From MeasureColor 17.2 and later a feature is added that can automatically start a new sequence when all measurements for a pull are done. You can set this feature in the user profile in System management:
By click-and-hold the 'Start new sequence button' you'll arrive at the following dialog:
Scoring explanation
Scatter view targets
- Within the scatter view all targets that received at least one sample will show a green mark or a yellow triangle
- The green checkmark means all is well
- The yellow triangle means that at least one sample is out-of-tolerance
- Even with a yellow triangle, the average of samples for that target might be compliant
Score button
- Compliance: How much targets are compliant (samples are averaged per target). With two targets within tolerance from a total of 4, the compliance is 50%. Normally compliance should be 100%
- Score: Total score of this sequence. 50 or better is a good score
When MeasureColor is set to 'balanced scoring' clicking the score button will show a Scorecard explaining how the total measurement score for this sequence was calculated. It includes the originally used tolerances, the quality score per attribute, based on the tolerance set (a value of 50 being compliant), how much attributes were compliant, how that affected scoring.
- You might need to expand 'Spot Solid' to see all details by clicking on it
- The red minus sign next to some attributes means that on average the attribute is out-of-tolerance / non-compliant
- A yellow triangle means that the attribute was in compliant on average, but one or more sample were out-of-tolerance / non-compliant