Before you start
- Read and check the System requirements
- Prepare a suitable database (unless you want to install stand-alone with SQLEXPRESS), see []]
- Make sure you have a modern browser installed (Firefox, Chrome, Edge…) and that it is set as the default browser
- Download the installer from the link on your software voucher
- It is recommended to have all information on your email SMTP server handy
Run the installer
- Make sure you are logged on as Windows Admin
- Run the installer by double-clicking and confirming
Step 1: Start
Please confirm you want to install
Step 2: Installing prerequisites
The installer checks if all prerequisites are present and might install when needed. Please follow the instructions on the screen. When a third-party installer asks to reboot the machine, please do so and re-run the Reports installer again.
Step 3: Start the Setup Wizard
Please click next to start the Setup Wizard
Step 4: Accept the license terms
Please accept the license terms by clicking next
Step 5: Select the Installation folder
Step 6: Set the server bindings setting
The default setting is 3200, only change this when there is a need to do so
Step 7: Ready to install
Step 8a: Connect to the database server (Corporate install, external database server)
Select 'Install database on a remote server'
Now select 'Migrate existing database' on the left-hand menu
Skip to step 9
Step 8b: Create a local database needed for SQLEXPRESS (Standalone / DEMO install)
- You can download a Microsoft SQLEXPRESS installer using the green button (Download and install SQL installer)
- If you already have a suitable SQLEXPRESS installer you can click the grey button to point to the installer on your disk
Wait until the SQL installer has finished.
Step 9: Migrations
This step will update the database, click 'Run migrations' to resume
Note: If you are updating an existing Reports, or using an SQLEXPRESS, the connection strings should be automatically pre-filled, do not change
- When needed (red crosses), fill in the connection string to connect to the prepared Reports database, the green check marks will confirm that the string you enter is valid
- If a red cross is shown instead of the green check mark no connection can be made, review the data string, and try the Add TrustServerCertificate check box
- Run the migrations with the green button
Step 10: Launch Reports!
Use the green button to Launch Reports (it will open in your default browser)
Step 11: Let's get started
Step 12: Create systemadmin account
Create a system admin account and please hold on to your newly created credentials as you need them to log in.
Step 13: Log in to Reports
Use your system admin credentials to log in
Step 14: License activation
Step 15: Use the credentials from your voucher to claim your license
Please fill in the email address and license key as found on your software license voucher
Setup the email configuration
In order to use the full potential of MeasureColor reports, like sending password resets and invites, it is vital to correctly set up the email configuration. Go to Settings → Mail
Please consult your email provider for the correct settings for sending emails. Use the [Send test mail] button to check all settings are working as intended.
Connect to a MeasureColor server
- Go to Settings → Data → MeasureColor
- Click the [+ New Connection] button
- Give the connection a name
- Copy the connection key
- Open the MeasureColor System management module
- Go to MeasureColor Reports → External Reports
- Click the green [Add] button
- Select 'MeasureColor Reports' as type
- Give the connection a unique name
- Use the URL of the Reports server
- Paste the Verification Token you copied from the Reports connection page
- You can test the connection with the [Test Connection] button
- Don't forget to save the connection with the [Create connection] button