For users
- Navigating Reports and searching for data
- Data Filter
- Standard views overview and details
- Advanced search
- Job report
- Job ink variation
- Dotgain by job
- Measurement details
- Patch summary report
- Patch details
- Job score card
- Job Measurements
- Print room dashboard
- Mobile print room dashboard
- Job calendar
- Operator dashboard
- Machine details
- Machine overview
- Ink analysis
- Ink summary
- Inkzone heatmaps
- All companies
- Company dashboard
- Company overview
- Customer dashboard
- Customer overview
- Daily metrics
For admins
- Permission management
- Customizing views (admin users only)
- System management
Install and getting started
- Install
- Before you start
- Running the installer
- Setup your Reports server
- Claim your license
- Check your activated license
- Setup the email configuration
- Connect to a Measurecolor server
Data filter
Apart from views that can be accessed by the search result menus, there are also views that can be used directly from the 'views' tab. As these views can show large amounts of data some views have a data filter that can tailor the data you are interested in, by restricting certain data ranges, machines, color books, or whatever is important for those views.
Data filter example
- You can set several filters, for instance, Companies, Machines, the number of measurements shown
- Select all, none, or select one or more by clicking and selecting from the filters to define your view
- Don't forget to push the green [Set filters] button to start your query